
Web Designing

Let First Impressions Last Forever! MOST IMPORTANT IMPRESSION Web Design Is Not Only About The Look And Feel Of The Brand On The Web. It’s Also about Making Your Customers’ Journeys Easy and Intuitive. Sent me a proposal Web Design Services for Startups & Enterprises At WEB Bakeries our web designing services are unlimited and […]
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Apps Development

BEST MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Don’t limit your dream just to your imagination! We can help you find a place in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Sent me a proposal MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT We have a talented team of mobile app developers in Egypt and we have the experience to build mobile […]
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Ecommerce Website

ONE COMPLETE E COMMERCE SOLUTION Grow your business online with Egypt most trusted eCommerce solution. Create website, ship orders, manage marketplaces and market your product from a single platform Sent me a proposal OUR ECOMMERCE WEB DEVELOPMENT SERVICES As the best ecommerce website development company Egypt, we can create online stores or auction sites for […]
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Web Application Development

WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT COMPANY WEB Bakeries is Egypt’s top-rated custom web app development company with over 6+ years of experience building world-class B2B & B2C applications. Our clients range from startups to enterprises and we have worked with a variety of industry verticals including healthcare, adtech, eLearning, data analysis, Fintech & eCommerce. Sent me a […]
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Web Support

YOU’VE PUT IN ALL THE HARD WORK AND BUDGET TO GET A WEBSITE CREATED FOR YOUR BUSINES For a low monthly fee, I can take over the essential maintenance and updating of your website. Sent me a proposal Benefits of website support services The online world has become an extremely complex and fragile ecosystem. The […]
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(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)