
The future is yours to shape

WEB Bakeries Is Providing Excellent Web Business Solutions To Global Startups, Entrepreneurs, And Large Organizations. Our Disciplined Web Services Have Helped Our Clients To Achieve Their Business Objectives With The Use Of The Right Platforms And Technology That Provide Best Results.

We stand as a prominent force in the realm of tech-driven digital marketing solutions.

At WEB Bakeries, we specialize in tech-enabled web development and digital marketing services, crafting individualized strategies tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each client.

Our dynamic team comprises acclaimed marketers, designers, and developers, possessing the expertise needed to achieve tangible online results. Our unwavering focus rests on crucial metrics such as lead generation and revenue, recognizing that these milestones propel businesses forward. We gauge our success by the triumphs of our clients, considering their prosperity as the ultimate indicator of our performance.

Drawing on years of experience, we understand the synergies between various channels and advocate for comprehensive strategies that leverage the strengths of each. Our holistic approach utilizes a blend of digital channels to enhance visibility, drive conversions, and boost revenue.

The outcomes speak for themselves, with over $1 billion in sales and more than 3.2 million leads generated for our clients. Our media team, comprising over 40 in-house influencers, is dedicated to cultivating relationships and securing placements on influential platforms.

Additionally, our team has pioneered proprietary tools to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of tracking and reporting our results. Our profound passion for the web fuels our commitment to assisting businesses in attaining their objectives. Choosing WEB Bakeries as your digital marketing agency ensures a bespoke strategy tailored to your company’s unique identity and requirements, eschewing one-size-fits-all approaches.

We keep the focus on driving results

To delve deeper into the impactful outcomes we’ve achieved for our clients, we invite you to explore our comprehensive portfolio, showcasing tangible examples of our work. Additionally, gain firsthand insights from the perspectives of over 100 satisfied clients by perusing our collection of testimonials. Hear directly from marketers and business owners who have collaborated with us, offering authentic accounts of their experiences and the success stories that have emerged from our partnership. Our portfolio and testimonials serve as compelling testaments to the effectiveness of our strategies and the satisfaction of those who have entrusted their digital marketing endeavors to WEB Bakeries.


Captec Group’s long-term vision is to be a global leader in the technology and service industries, driving innovation, empowering businesses and individuals, and positively impacting the world. The group envisions a future where its subsidiaries, namely WEB Bakeries, Hostphox, System Selection, Bolmart Academy, Alavvocato, and Asouq almal, collectively shape the digital landscape and create lasting value for their clients, employees, and society at large

At the core of Captec Group’s long-term vision is an unwavering commitment to driving innovation across all its subsidiaries. By fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement, the group will lead the way in developing cutting-edge technologies, services, and solutions that address the evolving needs of businesses and individuals. Captec Group will invest in research and development, collaborate with industry experts, and embrace emerging technologies to stay at the forefront of innovation.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)